01 November 2010

The Weekend Wrap-Up

I hope everyone’s Halloween was great and safe. Ours was.

We went over to J’s mom’s house on Sunday night. We took the dogs. They wore their reindeer costumes a la our 2009 Christmas card. That's what I call being resourceful.

Gotta go get the picture from home so that I can upload it here. You’ll die. J’s nephew wore his Woody costume from Toy Story. We had pizza and ate candy. It was very relaxing.

I also worked on two custom orders for a customer who is purchasing two of my belts as Christmas gifts. I hope she likes them.

Saturday I hung out with friends. We made my delicious pumpkin muffins and then checked out some stores at the Mall for Christmas gifts. Then J and I went to his friend’s house for a Halloween party. J wore a ridiculous mullet wig. His friends were in town from out of state, and they dressed as a zombie Santa and an old lady. So funny. I wish I had pictures of that, too.

Oh, and Friday night J proposed.


It’s true.

I’m being serious.

Pretty badass (!!!), huh?


April said...

Oddly enough, I could feel something was up as I started to read this post! Very subdued and casual style then BOOM, engaged! Congrats! That is awesome :)

Bethany said...

Thanks soooo much!