09 August 2010

What's Cookin

Friday afternoon I was able to leave work a bit early because of an early meeting that day, and I was feeling pretty creative. I was pumped up because it was going to be our last weekend before becoming official homeowners, and I finally felt ready to celebrate.

Well, to be honest, I had felt like I wanted to celebrate before this weekend, but a lot of things were getting in the way of that. A combination of my stressed attitude over the loose ends and paperwork and some family drama put me in a bad place. But I was trying to let that go and just really live in the moment – something very difficult for me. As is evidenced by my planning of my firstborn before even getting into our new house.

I decided to first tackle the very last step of a gift* I made for friends A + J for their upcoming wedding, a step I completely forgot when I was finishing up the gift a few weeks ago. After some ironing and a few minutes, I was able to happily check that off my list.

Next I decided to begin sewing a dress I’d recently cut out but hadn’t gotten around to assembling. It was going to be my first dress on my own (I took a class my mom gifted me, but we used a hideous pattern. I used that class mostly for learning the skills, after all). I modeled the pieces I cut after a dress that I had bought and absolutely loved. Well, after a few minutes of pinning the pieces together, I realized that I hadn’t cut some of them big enough. And because I had only a few scraps of fabric – a recycled sheet from the thrift store – left, I decided I’d have to make something else with my already-cut pieces.

Enter my obsession with aprons. It really makes no sense. I rarely cook, and when I do, it’s usually stuff from packages with little possibility of spilling them all over myself (though I am pretty clumsy!). So why the obsession? No idea. Perhaps because aprons can be as feminine or utilitarian as you’d like for them to be, with prints to match. And the fabric I’d cut out for the dress was a wonderful yellow with splashes of coral and green which I thought would be oh-so-feminine as a 50′s-cut apron. So I got to work.

Because I had cut two large full skirt pieces for the front and the back, I thought it’d be a great opportunity to make the apron skirt fit almost all the way around my body, with a slight curve. I also wanted to tackle my much-thought-about pleated neckline, so I got to it. I’d like to say I “threw together” this apron, but it took about three hours – not including the cut-out time.

Since we’re getting ready to move and we’re already packed into my mom’s house like pickles, these pictures are HORRIBLE. I’m warning you. So just try to deal with them until I get a chance to set up a little photo shoot spot in my new craft room. I also couldn’t get a good shot of me wearing the apron, but you can probably figure it out.

Because I was almost out of fabric, the top piece doesn’t cover nearly enough of my torso, but that’s okay. I think the slender shape makes it almost more feminine. Voila:

I think it’ll look so cute hanging up in my new kitchen. And maybe it’ll encourage me to cook. Doubtful. But a girl can dream.

*I’ll show some pictures of these gifts after I give them, of course!

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