14 September 2010

Mood My Board

I just got a quick reminder of the gloriousness that is Angie's art today (not that I forgot), and I'm super pumped for the piece I've commissioned from her. Once you guys see it, you'll all want a portrait of your baby family.*

I've already sketched a place for it (literally, on my "Master Bedroom" design board) above our (not yet purchased) dresser. Can. Not. Wait.


I accidentally disabled comments for a few posts, and I know you're disappointed that you couldn't comment on my House Befores post, so you can comment to your heart's desire on this post and the following.

J and I have been spending a glorious week or so out of the house since we're having our floors resanded and stained. We've resumed our regular lives somewhat if not mostly, and I forgot how great and relaxed (with the exception of my neuroses) they are!

I wanted to continue to catch you up with our work before things get crazy again, and I was going to upload some of our first demo pictures, for fun, but Blogger just notified me that I've exceeded my capacity. Bastard. I'll have to go home to purge and refresh. Oh, and erase some photographs.

In the meantime, I'm feeling like it's time for another {} little things {} in life. What do you say? Today's is: eating Famous Amos cookies by the handful because. you. can.

Until tomorrow.

Meg, for your genius.

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