20 January 2011

Everybody Needs a Bosom

Our bedroom has needed work since the day we moved in.

We were mostly focused on making the upstairs livable after buying our 1950s rancher. We replaced all the electrical, knocked out some walls, added some walls, adding crown molding, painted, and removed the carpet to have the hardwood floors refinished. Once that was done, we moved in.

Our stuff is mostly a collection of second- or third-hand furniture with a few IKEA pieces thrown in. Fine with me for now as we save for our wedding, honeymoon, and finishing the basement. Still, we want our space to feel as cozy as it can on a limited budget.

For Christmas, we asked for IKEA gift cards so we could get a bedframe. I hope to post some pictures soon, once the bedroom is more complete. But for now I thought I'd share my quick-ish project from last night.

I bought these pillows (Crate + Barrel) from the thrift store a few years ago. They're down filled:

One side is the lighter design and the other side is inverted. They're pretty thick, and the fabric is silky. Plus, they're brown, which means I love them. However, they weren't quite flowing with our light blue walls and white trim.

I bought some fabric to recover a chair I got from the thrift store (that I haven't gotten around to recovering yet). But it was calling to me. So last night, after buying some white zippers, I transformed the pillows into these:

Okay, so I know I sewed a few straight lines and two zippers, but still! Aren't they pretty? The blue-purple in them pick up the duvet and the colors in the walls perfectly. And you can't quite tell, but the pillows behind them are dark purple and compliment them very well.

I'm hoping for a bigger "reveal" of the bedroom in a few weeks. Stay tuned!


lizzie said...

it looks beautiful!

Jess said...

they look really great!

ElisabethCS said...

cute!!! can't wait for the "reveal" I plan on taking pix of my modest abode:)

Bethany said...

Thanks! Can't wait to get the rest of the room up to speed!