19 January 2011

The List - DONE

It's time to celebrate!

The ultimate in kill-my-excitement wedding planning has been the guest list. Something that you'd think would be fun to craft but really just feels like a game of how-much-do-I-like-you-and-will-you-care-if-you're-not-invited.

Not fun. I feel like a lamey-lame pants for complaining about this. I mean, deciding who to share our day with? That should be tons of fun, right? Not when our families are as invested in this shebang almost as much as we are.

So J and I sat down last night, squabbled a bit, and got it done. DONE. Now we officially have a "final" list. I'm going to place our invitations + RSVP orders soon - so exciting!

Okay, so work may blow and the weather's cold, but now I can finally sit back and determine how many feet of bunting I'll need to envelope all those glorious guests in our cozy backyard!

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