19 October 2010

The Creep, again

Well, The Creep is at it again.

Yesterday he went around my small office telling everyone I was pregnant.

Can you believe that?

I had a talk with my boss - again - and we decided that I should approach him about it first. Then my boss asked that I make a list of the growing number of incidents between us so that he would be prepared with something, in writing, for the next time - which he expects there to be.

Luckily The Creep appeared to be pretty open to my request for him to show me more respect, particularly in front of our teammates. It's no secret that I'm the youngest and most inexperienced by far, and I really don't need a coworker demeaning me in front of my other teammates.

He immediately knew what I was referring to and apologized. He told me that he's had a hard time adjusting to his new position - we started on the same day - but that he's been handling it poorly by taking it out on me.

Hopefully there won't be another incident between us, but I'm prepared for it. My boss conceded that receiving this kind of treatment at a job where I'm not a "10" (on a scale of 1 to 10 in happiness) isn't good. Agreed. Receiving this kind of treatment if I were a 10 would not be good either.

Have any of you experienced such obvious harassment? If so, how did you handle it? I need some serious feedback on this one since it's such a blower to me that he'd act so obviously inappropriately.


Angie said...

wow. sounds like it was handled fairly well. and it echoes my situation here.

bravo for addressing it yourself, although i don't know how comfortable i'd feel doing that. very brave. and glad your boss is open to your feedback and willing to support you. that's amazing.

hopefully work goes up a few notches to a 6.

Bethany said...

Unlikely, but thanks for the hope.

J's pissed that my boss didn't handle it directly, but I do have to work with The Creep without my boss around a lot of the time. I'm glad I handled it myself, and now I'll have more ammunition if it continues.

Thanks for the support!

Melody said...

Oh my! That's crazy. No, I've never had anyone be that hideous at work.