08 November 2010


Hello all. Hope you had a lovely weekend.

I'm getting ready to switch jobs in a week - same company, new position (and new location and new team and new work - yikes!), so I'm enjoying the beginning of a quiet last week.

Though I'm in a fine mood - because I'm in a fine mood - I thought it'd be a good time to gather some of my pet peeves into a neat little pet peevy package. Here goes:

{} getting a closer parking spot to the front door at work - or the store or wherever - and then being so used to parking far away that when you leave, you walk right past your car, making your walk-to-your-car twice as far as if you had just freaking remembered where you parked

{} people who say "sorry?" instead of "excuse me?" when they don't hear what you said. J and I stormed through part of the first season of Lost this weekend (my first time... I know - I'm behind the times!) and it's written into the script. A lot.

{} abbreviations of almost all sorts. A few examples? Crikes. I can't even think of any because I despise them so much. But the few that I can think of are the obvious interwebonix, such as ttyl, lmao, and brb. My bff R started saying and writing a bunch, such as SBux (Starbucks), and I think he did it in part to irritate me.

{} people who comment on your eating habits while you eat.

{} people who ask you about you just to tell you about them. I've only told a few people at work about our engagement, and already two of them launched immediately into the story of how they got engaged. How obnoxious.

{} people who give me a hard time for dressing our dogs in clothes and costumes. Like it's torturing the dogs or something. Sure they don't like it, but at least I'm showering them with love. Sheesh. Mind your beeswax.

{} catty women. 'Nough said.

That should start the week off right!

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