18 January 2011


I've placed the order for the bridesmaids dresses, which will be produced by etsian Louise of sohomode in April.

I decided to go with these beautes:

And here are the fabric choices of my three lovely ladies:

Seriously, the bridesmaids dresses are one of the aspects of the wedding planning process so far that I have been most excited about! I think these will turn out so pretty! And if we ham them up a bit with some cowboy boots, as in the professional photograph, I think it'll balance the matronly vibe from the dresses. I wish I could afford one for myself!

Some people have asked what our color(s) will be, and I've had a hard time explaining our vision. We want our "colors" to be "floral" - particularly springy yellows, oranges, greens, and blues. If you've ever eaten Sixlets* (one of my favorite candies), you'll know what we're going for.

I think the floral vibe makes everything feel a bit more casual while still pretty and feminine. I love that DIY, vintage, I-threw-this-party-together-from-my-sewing-table vibe. I'm going for an earthy, frilly feel, and I think these fabrics kick it off in the right direction!

*Holler at the possible wedding favor, if we decide to go for them!


lizzie said...

love those dresses! excellent fabrics too! so cute...it's gonna be adorable!

ElisabethCS said...

Okay, I am so out of the loop! You got engaged? I have to look through your older posts to catch up. congrats!!! Love the "floral" theme!!! Let me know if you need engagement ports:) If I am available I would love to be your photog.:)
