10 March 2011


One of my favorite bloggers just announced that she's engaged! So exciting!

I LOVE that she's considering a "semi-homemade" wedding dress. I actually considering attempting to make my dress as well but dropped the idea knowing how easily stressed out I get.

Part of me thinks I should have taken more time to consider my dress options. The other part of me gets excited knowing that exactly what I thought I wanted was exactly what I decided on. My dress should ship to the shop tomorrow, hopefully arriving in about a week.

Oh boy!

1 comment:

Sharde said...

i just checked out your etsy and i like yo' stuff! lol its great.

and btw, i really love your blog! today i did a refashion that i think you'd like, a lace-cut out t-shirt that is no-sew! and easy to do with very little time.
come and visit me at:

thanks! sharde