12 April 2011


I've never been someone who really watches what she eats. That might sound really... something, but it's not meant that way.

But over the past two years or so, I've gained weight. Like, 20 pounds worth of weight. Not cool.

I attribute it to beginning to drink soda for the first time ever during those two years, and continuing to drink it.

I knew I didn't want to be one of those brides who, for the four months or four weeks or four days leading up to her wedding, doesn't eat normally. Or doesn't eat at all.

The sample dress of the gown I chose was pretty close to my size. If I'd chosen to get it altered, I would have saved probably $100. But it was a leeeetle too tight. Like, I couldn't wait to get it off tight but I could probably manage for a day because I love to save money.

The clentcher? That I knew I'd have to watch what I eat as we got closer to the date since my weight is so constantly in flux. And since I looove my donuts so much (after all, I eat a package of those six donuts every day for breakfast!), I just didn't want to risk it.

My mom (who's paying for half of my gown) and I agreed that (my) our peace of mind was worth that extra $100.

After the first fitting, I'm pretty happy with our choice. And as I sit here and write this, craving something salty, I'm even happier.

To comfort on your wedding day - and all the days before!

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